Emmy Yoshida is starting a new co-working club for mums with small children and babies in Rome called Co-workit Mamma Roma. It’s for mums who work from home or remotely and have babies and small children they want some help with while they work. It is a club where everyone pays a small amount per session and a small joining fee and in return you get a desk and collaborate with other mums at work and there will be a play area and babysitters for the children in the room or next door and an area to chat and have coffee together / discuss ideas and have casual meetings.
Would anyone be interested in joining? The club will be a great way to meet other mums in business and to work without losing out on precious time with your children and also a lovely way for children to socialize and play together! If you feel this could benefit you and your children please join our new Facebook group Co-Work It Mamma – Roma
We will be organizing a meet up soon for interested mums who freelance, work remotely and have their own businesses and want the company and support from other mums.