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All you need to know about Italian SPID (Public System for Digital Identity)

Posted on May 10th, 2023

by Expats living in Rome

What is Italian SPID?

SPID (Public System for Digital Identity) is the solution that allows the Italian citizens to access all online services of the Public Administration with a single Digital Identity (username and password) that can be used from computers, tablets and smartphones.

How do I get an Italian SPID?

To obtain SPID you need a valid Italian identification document (identity card, passport, driving license), social security card (tessera sanitaria/tesserino del codice fiscale) or the tax number (codice fiscale) or the respective attribution certificates, an email address and a personal mobile number.

Who can request a SPID?

Anyone can request an SPID, provided they’re 18 years of age or older and have the following:

• a valid Italian ID document;

• a health card or tax code card.

You don’t have to be an Italian citizen or living in Italy to request an SPID. Foreign citizens residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad who are registered with AIRE (Registry of Italian Residents Abroad) can also request a SPID if they have a valid Italian identity document.

How do I request a SPID?

To request a SPID you need the following:

• a valid ID document (such as an identity card, passport, or driver’s license);

• a health card or tax code card;

• a personal email address;

• a mobile phone number.

If you are a foreign citizen living in Italy, you need a valid Italian ID document, as your residence permit will not make you eligible for a SPID. You can, however, use your residence permit to get an Italian ID card. Once you have your ID card, you can apply for your SPID.

How do I register for SPID?

When you have all the necessary documents, go to the AGID’s (Agency for Digital Italy) website dedicated to SPID and start the procedure by clicking on “Request SPID” at the top. You will be asked to choose from several authorized identity providers and to register on their site.

You need to complete the following steps to register:

1. Enter your personal information.

2. Create your SPID credentials.

3. Verify your identity through the methods indicated by the provider.

If you are an Italian citizen residing abroad and registered with AIRE, you can select one of the identity providers covering your area. Choose one of the icons “EU” or “World”.

Verification methods of your SPID identity

The last step of the process is the verification of your identity, which can be done in several ways:

• In person, at one of the offices of your digital identity provider.

• Connecting via webcam with the identity provider through an operator or using a video recording, combined with the bank transfer of a specific sum as an additional security measure.

• Using an Electronic Identity Card (CIE) or electronic passport on the provider’s app.

• Using an Electronic Identity Card (CIE), health card or digital signature through a USB token or smart card and the relevant PIN code.

Once verified, your SPID will be activated, and you’ll be able to use it to access public services online.

Is SPID free?

It depends. Some providers’ services are free. Others require you to pay a fee depending on the features they offer. Please take a look at this chart of providers and go through the different options to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Why is having a SPID so important?

The “Semplificazioni decree” established that by February 28, 2021, PAs will be required to integrate SPID and the Electronic Identity Card (CIE) as the only credentials to be used to access the digital services of the Italian central and local PAs.

By the end of February 2021, PAs will be also required to adopt the PagoPA system for the digital payment of services. Eventually, the IO app features will be gradually expanded to allow users to make self-certifications or submit requests and declarations directly from their smartphone.

SPID credentials: convenient, secure, and digital

You can use your SPID from any device—computer, tablet, smartphone—to access online government services offered by INPS (National Institute for Social Security), Agenzia delle Entrate (National Revenue Agency), MIUR (Ministry of Education, University, and Research), INAIL (National Institute for Insurance Against Labor Accidents), and municipalities.

To log in with your SPID and access online services, click on the “Enter with SPID” button on the relevant site or app.

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