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Travel bans

Lockdown, stricter green pass regulations and the 3rd dose: New decree coming

November 22nd, 2021 By Comments closed

With covid cases increasing in Italy, Draghi is considering new restrictions for those not vaccinated. Here is what changes  No region at the mo... Read more...

New Dpcm, the yellow zones are back, you can dine out! and traveling between the regions

April 22nd, 2021 By Comments closed

New Dpcm, the yellow zones are back and the new "green certification" for traveling between the regions arrives. The measures, starting from April ... Read more...

Coronavirus: new restrictions in Italy (15 January 2021)

January 16th, 2021 By Comments closed

The ski lifts are closed until February 15, gyms, swimming pools and cinemas until March 5, museums can open fr... Read more...


December 18th, 2020 By Comments closed

21 - 23 DECEMBER ⛔ inter-regional mobility block. exceptions for work, health, urgency, return to residence or domicile. ✅ moveme... Read more...

New Dpcm hypothesis: Italy turns to Red zones for the holidays

December 14th, 2020 By Comments closed

New Dpcm hypothesis, all of Italy is a red zone during the holidays after the shopping crowds in Rome.  Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte: "We must con... Read more...

Coronavirus, ‘Covid corridors’ at the airport for those arriving from the US: only swabs and no quarantine

November 27th, 2020 By Comments closed

For those that land in Italy, you must be tested 48 hours before arrival either one molecular or antigen test before boarding and undergo another t... Read more...

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Roma Italy