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How to cope with homesickness and culture shock as an expat in Italy

February 26th, 2024 By No comments yet

Moving to a new country can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also bring some challenges and difficulties. When you move you may ... Read more...

An Italian Love Story… between expatriates

June 12th, 2020 By Comments closed

Our Expats Living in Rome social events attract expats and Italians alike.  Their motivations for attending can range from meeting new friends, l... Read more...

The BEST expat stories of Italy: Our prime picks of memoirs for the Italophile

February 14th, 2020 By Comments closed

Have you ever parted company with everything you know in exchange for a life in Italy?  If so we ask, what was your motivation?  Did you d... Read more...

First On My Bucket List, Why Rome?

September 28th, 2017 By No comments yet

I  had always wanted to go to Italy so when our sister Sara’s plans to travel to Greece with a friend fell through we conjured up an Italian advent... Read more...

5 Steps to Adapting to Life as an Expatriate

September 26th, 2017 By Comments closed

5 Steps to Adapting to Life as an Expatriate Everyone Goes Through the Five-Stage Cycle of Cross Cultural Adjustment By Daniela Montabaur Expatr... Read more...

EXPAT STORIES – Patrizia Di Gregorio

November 27th, 2016 By No comments yet

[caption id="attachment_665" align="alignleft" width="480"] My first Expats' photo in 2002[/caption] I like living in Rome but I don’t think I wou... Read more...

Getting Legal in Rome as a EU Citizen

November 5th, 2016 By Comments closed

Anthony Majanlahti shares his story My experience of getting my residency is not the most difficult one I've heard of. Refugees have it worse, i... Read more...

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