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First On My Bucket List, Why Rome?

Posted on September 28th, 2017

by Expats living in Rome

First On My Bucket List, Why Rome? 1I  had always wanted to go to Italy so when our sister Sara’s plans to travel to Greece with a friend fell through we conjured up an Italian adventure for the three of us. Our travel plans included seeing sights from Rome to Nova Siri, way south, and then back North as far as Florence. A lot of ground to cover on our 3 week visit.

Our trip began in Rome

We had 1 day to spend there before traveling by car to check in for our reservation in Nova Siri. The one thing we had to see in Rome, for me, was the Sistine Chapel. I had done a presentation on Michelangelo in Junior High and fell in love with his art and the art that is Italy. At 13 I started my list of things I must see before I leave this world with The Sistine Chapel. The first day was dedicated to crossing it off.

We arrived in Rome late in the day. We had missed our connecting flight in Germany and Air Canada had lost one of our bags as a result, so by the time we sorted all of that out and left the airport the sun had already began to set. We caught a cab to our hotel for the evening.

Traffic in Rome is busy and fast, very fast. We were all very quiet in the cab as it hurtled toward our hotel, swerving through traffic at lightening speed. This is common driving behavior in Italy. It was a quite unsettling (terrifying) as we were going to…to continue reading the blog click here

Source: Expat experiment

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