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Italian Tax Code: Where to Obtain It is Determined by Your Residency Permit

Posted on January 8th, 2024

by Adriana ruiz

A crucial aspect of settling in Italy is obtaining the unique 16-character alphanumeric code known as the Tax Code (Codice Fiscle). In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of acquiring the Tax Code for foreign nationals, addressing different scenarios and specific procedures.

Understanding the Tax Code

The Tax Code serves as a distinctive identifier, encompassing personal data such as the surname, name, date, and place of birth. This 16-character alphanumeric code is pivotal in dealings with public administration and is indispensable for essential services, including registration with the Local Health Authority (ASL) and the selection of a general practitioner.

Acquiring the Tax Code: General Process

For resident citizens, the Tax Code is delivered to their address of residence. Nonresident citizens, on the other hand, receive it at the domicile for tax purposes communicated during the application process.

Tax Code for Foreign Nationals (Non-EU Countries)

Foreign citizens arriving in Italy encounter a streamlined process for obtaining their Tax Code. Those applying for residence permits for employment or family reunification can obtain the code from the Immigration Desk in every Prefecture.

Foreign Nationals Seeking International Protection

For foreign nationals applying for international protection, the Police Headquarters or Border Police assigns the Tax Code. In case of duplicate data, a provisional tax code is issued until the permanent one is obtained from any Revenue Agency office (Agenzia delle Entrate).

Unregistered or Unaccompanied Foreign Minors

Unregistered or unaccompanied foreign minors can obtain a Tax Code through the Revenue Agency, upon request from the Local Health Authority. The code is then communicated to the person with parental responsibility or the individual in charge of the facility hosting the minor.

Special Procedures: Ukrainian Refugees

Ukrainian citizens applying for temporary protection undergo a unique process. The Police Headquarters assigns a permanent tax code during the provisional residence permit application. In cases of duplicate data, a provisional numerical tax code is assigned until individuals secure the permanent code from any Revenue Agency office.

EU Citizens

EU citizens residing in Italy can apply for a tax code by submitting form AA4/8 to a local Revenue Agency office. Alternatively, they may request the tax code at the Italian consular representation in their country of origin. EU citizens can utilize the National Health Service with the health insurance card issued by their country of residence (EHIC – European Health Insurance Card).


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